Ämne: STAR WARS Betyg: VG+ Årskurs: 1.an Av: Linnéa Hermansson ROGUE SQUADRON BY: MICHAEL. A. STACKPOLE I have read X-Wing, Rogue Squadron one of nine books about the Rogue Squadron, from the universe of the Star Wars movies. This is the books about the most feared and fearless fighting force in the whole galaxy. This is the first book in that book series. It all take place two and a half years after the events of the film "The Return Of The Jedi", an isolated but still powerful remnants of the Empire are scattered in space. These outposts of evil are disrupting galactic peace and threatening to one day overthrow the Rebel Alliance and re-establish its dark tyranny from violence. They are opposed by a new generation of X-Wing pilots. Following in the footsteps of the squad that defeated the Death Star, the new pilots face a challenge just as dangerous and deadly as the missions their legendary predecessor completed. And they are just as tough, talented, and determined to succeed. However, their brave leader will first have to confront the most difficult task of all: to whip a band of young, rowdy, undisciplined pilots into a great team that will fight together and-if necessary-die for each other to achieve their goal: Victory over the Empire. Now I am going to tell you about some of the key figures. Here is a list over the names of all the pilots, their sex, and their home planets: Names: Rank: Planet: Sex: Race: Wedge Antilles, Commander Corellia male human Tycho Celchu, Captain Alderaan male human Corran Horn, Lieutenant Corellia male human Ooryl Qrygg, Pilot Gand male Gand Nawara Ven, Pilot Ryloth male twi´lek Rhysati Ynr, Pilot Bespin female human Bror Jace, Pilot Thyferra male human Erisi Dlarit,, Pilot Thyferra female human Peshk Vri´syk, Pilot Bothawui male bothan Gavin Darklighter, Pilot Tatooine male human Riv Shiel, Pilot Uvena III male shistavanen Lujayne Forge, Pilot Kessel female human Andoorni Hui, Pilot Rodina female radian These are the persons the books are about, but there are three persons who are key figures in this book. And those persons are: Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Gavin Darklighter. Wedge Antilles spent much of his childhood working for his parents on the last planet in the Gus Treta system. His parents owned a fuelling station there, and Wedge became a pro on starship systems. He also learned a lot of pilot skills there. When Wedge was prepared to go to the Academy, his parents was killed in an accident, Wedge saw it all helplessly from his pulsar skate. Wedge started at the Academy and soon became a good pilot, and at the time this book takes place Wedge has started a new rogue squadron, after the first one had been disbanded and he him self is the commander of this squadron. Gavin Darklighter a native of Tatooine and a cousin of the famous Biggs Darklighter. Gavin is a really good pilot and in this book he is only sixteen years old when Wedge Antilles suggests that he shall be allowed to join the Rebel Alliance, Rogue Squadron. He is responsible for creating the emblem of Rogue Squadron, which featured a twelve pointed, red star surrounding the blue symbol of the Alliance. Tycho Celchu his fianceé, along whit most of his family, was killed when the Death Star destroyed the planet. After that he joined the Rebel Alliance, he became a war veteran. He fought in the Battle of Hoth, the Battle of Endor, and the Battle of Bakura. And after that he became a captain. That was some of the main characters in this book. This was a great book. I couldn´t put it down, and some times that made it too much for me (almost). The book was great, not only the great mix of known and unknown characters. Even another Darklighter, a Gand who speaks in third person, a woman from Kessel, and of course the big man him self; Wedge Antilles. But the action newer seems to stop. The fighting is mostly in the cockpit but the vivid description, incredible battles sites, and plenty of backgrounds on the X-Wing pilots. I think the book was great, the only problem is that the language that Stackpole is using isn't the most easy one. In other words, this is a book for people who doesn´t feel secure in their English. But anny way I recommend it, but you have to see the Star Wars movies first. BY: LINNÉA HERMANSSON Es1C Ht-1999